About Me

A brief biography of Peter Inns

MeMy name is Peter John Inns, I was born in October 1967, and although sometimes I live in Northamptonshire, England (my original home), most of the time these days I live in Thailand. I am married to Su and we have one son. I am an IT Consultant by profession having started working in IT way back in 1985, which was before the world wide web, DVDs, colour LCD screens, digital cameras, digital mobile phones and iPods were all invented. My hobbies and interests include travelling, socialising, watching movies (science-fiction and fantasy being my favourite genres), reading (again with sci-fi and fantasy being my favourite types), playing computer games, building fun websites, and anything to do with "Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future".

Colonel Dan Dare, Pilot of the FutureI became interested in Dan Dare at around the age of seven when I saw some original artwork by Northamptonshire-born artist Frank Bellamy, who had worked on the series in the late 1950’s and early 60’s, that was on display at my school. Dan Dare was not in print anywhere during my early childhood (the "Eagle" magazine that carried his weekly adventures had ceased production in 1969), and seeing the amazingly colourful and detailed artwork for the first time immediately got me hooked. I have been a fan ever since, of all the different versions but particularly the original 1950 Frank Hampson creation.

To find out all about Dan Dare, please visit my Dan Dare websites at www.dan-dare.org, www.dan-dare.net and www.dandare.org.uk.

Just for the fun of it I also run some free online game and desktop wallpaper websites based on Disney and Pixar Films (such as Lilo & Stitch, Toy Story and Cars), DreamWorks and Blue Sky Films (such as Shrek, Kung Fu Panda and Ice Age) and Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog Games (also including Pokemon, Zelda and Kirby), amongst others.